Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween is coming along with my birthday!

My dad came home from California this weekend, so the kids and I decided to stay at my parents this weekend. First, we decorated here. We put upo all of our lights and decorations. The kids put up all of the window clings, including some in their rooms. Photobucket

On Saturday, we had a birthday party at my grandmas then the kids went to a Halloween party. The babe and I rested and just hung out. I rented What Happens in Vegas, which I tried to watch several times in the hospital but was too drugged and tired to make it through. Sunday, Mom came to help me with my antibiotic, then we headed to their house. The kids made caramel apples and carved pumpkins. PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

My brother and SIL, and nieces came over for dinner and the activities. While I was there, I also got to order my birthday present from Tim, which I got to pick out. I am so excited, it comes tomorrow morning. I bought myself a camera a few years ago. It was the first thing I had been able to buy that was just for me, since I had become a single mom. During our vacation to Bryce Canyon in July, I dropped my camera coming down Bryce Canyon. So, for my birthday, I am getting this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16830120285&nm_mc=OTC-C173T&cm_mmc=OTC-C173T-_-Digital+Cameras-_-Canon+USA++Inc.-_-30120285
No more stupid crappy phone pics! I get real pictures! I cannot wait, I am like a little kid on Christmas Eve.

James fell asleep in his swing during dinner. It was so cute. Here is him just waking up. Photobucket
And a pic of Grandpa and James:

We all had a great time!


King J, Queen M, Princess E and Princess M said...

HAPPY BIRTHDYAY!!!! I hope today is great!

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

Happy Halloween! Glad to see you are posting again.

Cute pics!

Missy said...

I love your pics! you have a cute family!!

You should checkout my mommy site-


hope you make it over there! You would fit in great :)

Martin Family said...

Happy Birthday! I can't believe how big you baby is getting! Your other kids too... I'm so sorry to hear your surgery has turned into such an ordeal! I'm glad you made all those meals in advance! If you every need anything, please let me know!